Internet access services
beCloud provides dedicated access to the Internet resources using its own data transmission channels, providing instant access to all the international network segments and high-speed transmission of large volumes of traffic, as well as access to any information and multimedia content of the global Internet.
The service of access to the Internet is provided on the basis of the URDN backbone data transmission network. Network access speed varies from 1 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s. The planned throughput of external channels is 400 Gbit/s, of the URDN backbone data network is up to 200 Gbit/s (region-region), up to 20 Gbit/s (region-regional center). The network is built with the possibility of expansion and scalability. For construction steps see IP/MPLS diagram.

At the moment it is possible to connect in Minsk, in all regional centers and large district centers. Service users can be telecommunication operators and providers registered in the Republic of Belarus, legal entities.