Services for SSL-certificate issue

SSL-certificate is a unique digital signature for a website. The presence of SSL protection guarantees that the exchange of data between the site and the user's computer is carried out using a secure protocol. Also SSL-certificate can serve as a confirmation of the legitimacy of a legal entity.
We offer
Increase the credibility of your Internet resource with the help of our following services:
- production of SSL-certificates of the commercial certification centers;
- installation of the SSL-certificate purchased by the client;
- production and installation of the «Letˈs Encrypt» SSL-certificate.
The provision of the service for SSL-certificate issue for commercial certificate centers has been suspended for reasons beyond the control of the operator.
At the moment, our customers can use the service for issuing and installing free Letˈs Encrypt certificates.
beCloud is looking for new solutions to provide service for SSL-certificate issue to protect our clients' Internet resources.
Types of certificates
SSL-certificates differ in the level of verification of applicant’s data before issuance and in the number of domains and subdomains for which they can be used.
Typically certificates are issued for one domain. For example,, sometimes support for a name like is provided.
Wildcard certificates allow you to protect the main domain and an unlimited number of subdomains in the main domain. For example,,,, etc. Wildcard SSL-certificates offer full encryption for subdomains making them an affordable and effective solution for most websites.
Multi-Domain certificates allow a single certificate to protect multiple domains. Such certificates can be extended with the Wildcard option, which allows you to enable the protection for all subdomains, both for one main domain name and for completely different domain names. These certificates provide a convenient option for organizations that own multiple domains and are looking for a simplified way to secure them with a single solution without having to purchase a separate certificate for each domain.
The applicant’s data validation
According to the level of validation SSL-certificates are divided into three groups:
- DV (domain validation) – validate the domain. Domain Validated SSL-Certificates are the simplest and easiest to verify the person or organization that owns the registered domain. To complete the verification the domain owner must prove that he owns the domain that was sent with the order. After installation, on websites with DV certificates, the browser will display a padlock icon and «https://». Depending on the selected certificate, a certification authority seal may appear in the browser’s address bar. Such a certificate is a reliable and fast option for securing an information site. For the sites of organizations operating via the Internet it is recommended to choose certificates with additional verification levels.
- OV (organization validation) – apart from protecting the information they guarantee that the domain belongs to a particular organization. Organization validation SSL-certificates provide an additional layer of trust by confirming the legitimacy of an organization. Applicants must prove that they own the domain that they want to protect and must prove that it is a legally registered entity. This extra layer of verification makes OV SSL-certificates ideal for public websites representing companies and organizations.
- EV (extended validation) – imply extended validation of the organization and its activities. Extended Validation SSL-Certificates provide the highest level of trust and are the standard for business websites. In addition to the secure padlock symbol EV SSL-Certificates activate a «green address bar» by displaying the authenticated company’s name in green next to the web-address. Consumers who see a green address bar on sites are more confident in the site's legitimacy and are more likely to transact online. EV SSL-certificates are recommended for all commercial and corporate websites but are especially important for any site that asks for personal information from users.
Free certificates
Free SSL-certificates are perceived as a convenient and least expensive way to protect a website. Free SSL-certificates are widely used by website owners but this can lead to losses and loss of reputation. The main reasons why this happens:
Free certificates are rarely trusted by large companies. The activities of the certification centre must meet numerous conditions, the implementation of which requires significant financial investments. It is almost impossible to attract such investments without selling the chargeable products.
Free certificates are issued with domain verification (DV) only. More detailed verification of OV and EV levels is performed only by commercial CAs.
Free certificates are not suitable for securing the sites that require user’s registration and provision of personal and payment information. Such certificates are not suitable for the sites for interaction with government agencies, sites for placing orders, online stores, bank sites, etc. Users cannot trust the anonymized certificates, which can negatively affect the interaction efficiency and the sales level.
Tariffs and description of administration services
For more information, please contact beCloud sales department:
+375 17 287 11 11;
+375 17 287 11 49;