Container registry

Containerization is a key part of modern software development. Docker images are the foundation of containerized applications, and managing them effectively is critical to development. It is also worth noting that using public storages can be insecure.
A container registry is a centralized storage of Docker images that allows software developers to easily upload, store, and retrieve Docker images, providing convenient access to them during development, testing, and deployment.
Container registry provides
Business Benefits
Increased development speed
Reduced time required to deploy new features and updates due to fast access to images.
Flexible configuration
Customers can quickly change the required amount of disk space occupied, as well as the number of registries used.
High reliability of the service
beCloud ensures the availability of the Container Registry service at a level of not less than 99.5%.
Cost reduction
As part of the service, customers are provided with a customized image storage deployed on beCloud public resources. Thus, customers do not need to bear the costs of purchasing their own IT infrastructure, configuring and maintaining registries.
Transparent pricing
Charging is based only on the amount of disk space used. Customers are notified in a timely manner when they are approaching the disk space limit agreed upon in the order.
The Container Registry service allows you to optimize container management and increase development productivity.
For consultation and ordering the «Container Registry» service, please contact the beCloud sales department:
+375 17 287 11 11;
+375 17 287 11 49;