Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform Software

«Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform» software allows to apply a centralized approach to organization of trainings on protection against cyber threats and staff training in daily work skills, taking into account information security risks.
By purchasing the right to use this software the customer gets remote access to the ASAP platform, located on the resources of the copyright holder «Kaspersky Lab» JSC, and uses its functionality during the period specified in the Agreement.
The ASAP (Automated Security Awareness Platform) platform allows to assess the current knowledge of an employee in the field of cybersecurity, to determine, in accordance with this, the set of skills that he needs depending on his job responsibilities and risk profile, and to build a schedule for the training program. For example, ordinary employees need only basic skills while a manager who works with confidential information needs to know how to secure the data of an entire department.
The product is built taking into account the peculiarities of human memory. During each lesson, which lasts no more than 10 minutes, the key messages are emphasized several times. The lesson includes an interactive module and videos, as well as consolidation exercises (test or phishing attack simulation). Practicing skills (there are over 350 of them) is based on the principle «from simple to difficult» – that is, until the test is passed, the next stage of the training will not be available. This structure allows to memorize and, most important, use the knowledge gained in the most efficient way.
Basic topics for study: personal computers protection, training in safe work on the Internet, e-mail protection, passwords and accounts protection, mobile devices protection.
Automated management on the platform helps companies to control the process at all stages: from setting a goal to effectiveness evaluation. Thanks to a convenient control panel and detailed reports the company's management will always have information for assessment of the progress and learning outcomes.
When ordering «Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform» software, the customer should specify the maximum number of employees who will simultaneously use access to the platform, as well as the required duration of access (multiples of months).
After activating the software before the end of the current month it is possible to use the services of the Platform for free.
For more information on purchasing the service, contact beCloud sales department:
+375 17 287 11 11;
+375 17 287 11 49;