Secure virtual infrastructure
The Republican platform with the information security system allows beCloud to offer its customers maximum flexibility, a reliable, compatible and fail-safe cloud service (IaaS).
Using the «Secure Virtual Infrastructure» service the client can create his own virtual data centre, configuring it to suit his needs. On the virtual resources of the Republican platform it is possible to place the clients’ information systems of the following classes of typical information systems: 3-individual entrepreneurs, 3-legal entities, 3-restricted, 5-state, 5-private in accordance with STB 34.101.30-2017 «Information technologies. Security methods and means. Information Systems. Classification».
The virtual infrastructure management is carried out by the client independently through control panel which is provided by beCloud and allows:
- to create virtual machines with operating systems from available patterns and to download patterns independently;
- to manage templates and virtual machines;
- to create internal, routed (with the Internet access) and isolated networks;
- flexibly manage the access rights to the pool of virtual resources;
- to configure load balancing between virtual machines;
and others.
In order to ensure secure access to virtual resources, Bel VPN software products (PC "Security Gateway" and software "Security Client") are available for ordering.
When providing the service beCloud provides technical and cryptographic protection of the information in accordance with the requirements established in the Order of the Operational and Analytical Centre under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus №66 dated February 20, 2020 «On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 9, 2019 No. 449».
Using the «Secure Virtual Infrastructure» service provides a number of advantages for beCloud customers:
- Reduced capital expenditures,
- Increase in productivity and speed of business response,
- Guaranteed SLA,
- Technical support 24/7/365,
- Ability to use backup,
- The level of information security of the placed resources which complies with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the requirements of the client's business.
For more information, please contact beCloud sales department:
+375 17 287 11 11;
+375 17 287 11 49;