Personal Area
About company
About Company
Management Board
Clients about us
For clients
About the RDC and the Republican platform
About the Unified Republican Data Network
About LTE Advanced pro
Documents, applications
Regulations for visiting the RCOD, import and export of equipment
Quality indicators
The RDC’s services
Private cloud
Virtual Server
Secure virtual infrastructure
Bitrix hosting
Secure hosting on a virtual server
Secure virtual hosting
Domain name registration
Services for SSL-certificate issue
The RDC’s infrastructure provision service (Сolocation)
Object cloud storage
Email. Light
Access to the software «DEPESHA-S»
CANOE software
Access to the licensed software VBA32
Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform Software
Data Leakage Prevention
Access to office software
Collection, processing and storage of telemetric data
Access to the licensed Kaspersky software
Backup to a remote site
Service «Disaster recovery»
Technical support
Certification of the information security system
Web Application Protection
The URDN services
Internet access services
Provision of the telecommunication channels for use for connection to the Inter-Agency Electronical Document Management System
Provision of the telecommunication channels for use in order to bring to the point of the national traffic exchange
Provision of the telecommunication channels for use
Transit traffic service
The LTE Advanced Pro services
Service of access to the Unified LTE network
+375 (17) 287 11 11
+375 (17) 287 11 49
Personal Area
Documents, applications
Documents, applications
Documents, applications
The legislative framework:
Regulation on the basics of using the Republican platform
219.59 kb
Rules for the provision of services of the republican platform:
General rules for the provision of the cloud computing services using the Republican platform (updated 14.02.2020, for hosting service contracts concluded before 11.05.2020)
1.86 mb
General rules for the provision of the cloud computing services using the Republican platform (updated 06.02.2025)
1.45 mb
Terms of provision of the RDC services and the services of the Republican platform, including using cloud computing technologies (updated 11.10.2024)
355.29 kb
Rules for the provision of the service «RCOD infrastructure provision service»
721.15 kb
The list of RDC services and services of the Republican Platform, in the provision of which "beCloud" LLC can be an authorized person of the client to process personal data of personal data subjects
368.59 kb
Rules for interaction with the Customer Support Service
269.83 kb
Rules for the provision of services of the republican platform for providing access to software
492.05 kb
Terms of Service «Protected virtual infrastructure»
627.32 kb
Terms of provision of software services Collection, processing and storage of telemetric data
479.18 kb
Terms of Service «Virtual Secure Hosting»
728.42 kb
Terms of Service «Protected Hosting on a Virtual Server»
614.34 kb
Rules for the provision of «Bitrix-hosting» service
561.99 kb
Terms of provision of the «Email. Light» service
570.8 kb
Rules for the provision of the «Object cloud storage» service
342.51 kb
Rules for the provision of services of the republican platform «Data Leakage Prevention»
710.26 kb
Rules for the provision of the service «Access to office software»
303.61 kb
Rules of service provision «Certification of the information security system»
710.13 kb
Rules for the provision of URDN services:
Rules for the provision of telecommunication services «Provision of telecommunication channels for use»
440.56 kb
Rules for the provision of smart platform services:
Rules for the provision of the Smart Data service
500.93 kb
Forms of contracts and agreements:
Public agreement for the provision of services for registering a domain name in the national domain zone
254.17 КБ
Agreement for SSL-certificate issue services at own expense
1.58 mb
Confidentiality Agreement (NDA)
29.32 kb
4.13 МБ
The form of the agreement for the provision of services of the republican platform «Secure hosting on a virtual server» (2 parties)
453.11 kb
The form of the agreement for the provision of services of the republican platform «Secure hosting on a virtual server» (3 parties)
620.91 kb
The form of an additional agreement on behalf of the processing of personal data for the «Secure hosting on a virtual server» service
267.14 kb
The form of the agreement for the provision of services of the republican platform «E-mail. Light» (2 sides)
441.85 kb
The form of the agreement for the provision of services of the republican platform «E-mail. Light» (3 sides)
539.91 kb
The form of an additional agreement on behalf of the processing of personal data for the service «E-mail Light»
272.95 kb
The form of an additional agreement on behalf of the processing of personal data for the «Secure Virtual Infrastructure» service
269.86 kb
The form of the agreement for the provision of services of the republican platform «Virtual secure hosting» (2 parties)
451.26 kb
The form of the agreement for the provision of services of the republican platform «Virtual secure hosting» (3 parties)
621.65 kb
The form of an additional agreement on behalf of the processing of personal data for the «Virtual secure Hosting» service
268.81 kb
The form of an additional agreement on behalf of personal data processing for the IVA MCU Cloud Video Conferencing service
268.98 kb
Samples of documents for filling:
Information about the current state of information systems
30.58 kb
Application for the provision of technical specifications for the transfer of an information resource to the Republican platform
93.71 kb
A sample of filling out the requirements specification in the Application
94.5 kb
Questionnaire for the service «Secure Virtual Infrastructure»
134.08 kb
Questionnaire for the service "Colocation"
117.27 kb
Guidance materials:
Methodological recommendations on the calculation of total cost of information systems’ ownership for public authorities and organizations
14.84 mb
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